

 1  <?xml version="1.0"?>
 2  <IGenInterface name="HTML_Ocean" label="Ocean">
 3          <IGenFrame name="general" label="General">
 4                  <IGenInput name="width" label="Table width" 
 5                          info="Table width (pixels), 720 should 
 6                          work on most screen because you
 7                          only need a 800x600 screen"
 8                          type="radio" 
 9                          items="720;920"
10                          >920</IGenInput>
11                  <IGenInput name="underTitlePic" 
12                          label="Under title picture" 
13                          info="Choose the picture you want under 
14                          your title, select custom if you
15                          want to use your own (dims are width 
16                          (see over) x 40) or select none
17                          if you don't want to use an under 
18                          title picture"
19                          type="selection" 
20                          items="surf;green;custom;none"
21                          >surf</IGenInput>
22                  <IGenInput name="underTitlePicCustom" 
23                          label="Custom under title picture" 
24                          info="Choose the picture you want under 
25                          your title 
26                          if you select custom over."
27                          type="picture"></IGenInput>
28                  <IGenInput name="fadeX" type="number" 
29                          label="Fade x"
30                          info="---> (in pixels)"
31                          >50</IGenInput>
32          </IGenFrame>
33          <IGenFrame name="documentLabel" 
34                  label="Document label">
35                  <IGenInput name="useDefaultFont" 
36                          type="boolean" label="Use default font"
37                          info="You can either choose the default 
38                          font (not pretty, but
39                          works always) or a beautiful True type 
40                          font (anti aliased)."
41                          >no</IGenInput>
42                  <IGenInput name="ttfFont" type="file" 
43                          label="Custom TTF Font"
44                          info="You can either choose the default 
45                          font (not pretty, but works always) or a 
46                          beautiful True type font (anti aliased), 
47                          if you have chosen
48                          NO at the question use default font, 
49                          you must select the font you want 
50                          to choose here"
51                          >/usr/share/fonts/ttf/western/a_d_mono.ttf</IGenInput>
52                  <IGenInput name="size" type="number" 
53                          label="Font size"
54                          info="If you choose to use a TTF font you 
55                          can select the font size"
56                          >20</IGenInput>
57          </IGenFrame>
58          <IGenFrame name="subtitleAndFooter" 
59                  label="Subtitle and footer">
60                  <IGenInput name="useDefaultFont" 
61                          type="boolean" label="Use default font"
62                          info="You can either choose the default 
63                          font (not pretty, but works always) or a 
64                          beautiful True type font (anti aliased)."
65                          >yes</IGenInput>
66                  <IGenInput name="ttfFont" type="file" 
67                          label="Custom TTF Font"
68                          info="You can either choose the default 
69                          font (not pretty, but works always) or a 
70                          beautiful True type font (anti aliased), 
71                          if you have chosen
72                          NO at the question use default font, 
73                          you must select the font you want 
74                          to choose here"
75                          >/usr/share/fonts/ttf/western/Bluehigh.ttf</IGenInput>
76                  <IGenInput name="size" type="number" label="Font size"
77                          info="If you choose to use a TTF font you can 
78                          select the font size"
79                          >14</IGenInput>
80                  <IGenInput name="subtitle x" type="number" 
81                          label="Subtitle x"
82                          info="---> (in pixels)"
83                          >150</IGenInput>
84                  <IGenInput name="footer x" type="number" 
85                          label="Footer x"
86                          info="---> (in pixels)"
87                          >150</IGenInput>
88          </IGenFrame>
89  </IGenInterface>